There’s nothing like ripping open a fresh box of ordered product, and when those boxes are from Squamish based company OneUp Components the hype meter is ratcheted way up. The fact is these guys just can’t stop innovating. They are constantly looking for ways to make mountain biking better and this latest order to arrive is full of products that do just that. Well I certainly hope they will once I have them fitted to my bike. The box contained their second generation dropper post, which features a whopping 210mm of drop, their new integrated stem, which doesn’t require you to thread the steerer to install an EDC tool, there’s also a new compliant carbon handlebar that has built-in downward flex and finally there are some brand new grips to complete the cockpit package.

OneUp’s new V2 dropper post has a few cool new features over their super reliable original post. The travel adjust shim has been revised and no longer has as much adjustability (just 20mm), but the post now comes in four lengths 210, 180, 150 and 120, each one with the shortest possible stack height available. After doing the calculations on their website, it worked out that i’ll be able to run the 210mm post. If you looking make sure you follow the table to work out which post is right for you. They have also shaved 20 grams off the weight of the post while increasing bushing overlap (and therefore durability) in the V2. I’ve been running the old 175mm post for last year and its performance has been flawless, so i’m pretty damn excited to get this post running.

210mm of drop, what’s not to be excited about!

Another massive development for OneUp is this sweet integrated EDC stem. If you run an EDC stem and tool you’ll know all about having to thread your steerer, it’s no biggie and takes only minutes but the big fork manufacturers were not fans of people messing with their products and was the catalyst for OneUp developing this stem that requires no threading of the steerer to fit the EDC top cap and tool.

The stem features an incredibly cool, yet simple solution. At the base of the stem there is an extra collar that, when tightened, pushes down a conical shaped spacer, preloading the headset. That simple. The EDC top cap then just clips into place.

Not content with just revising the stem and seatpost, OneUp decided to complete the cockpit with a brand new 35mm clamp handlebar. The new bar like everything OneUp do is just a little bit special (and not in a shitty Crank Brothers way!). Many complaints of the 35mm handlebar standard are that it makes the handlebar too stiff and that the increased trail feedback creates premature hand fatigue. There’s been a few attempts at other companies to remedy this issue and in fact one grip capitalizes on it exclusively. OneUp’s solution was to design a bar, that while being vertically compliant (it flexes up and down), it maintains the stiff steering benefits of the 35mm clamp standard. The bar profile, is hard to see in these photos but the bars feature a very small 35mm clamp area before changing to almost an oval shape before transforming back to a round shape for clamping purposes.

OneUp athlete and large and powerful human Thomas Vanderham had this to say about the bars. “The OneUp bar gives me all of the confidence inspiring attributes of a 35mm bar with a bit of forgiveness engineered in for those big descents. I’ve been so impressed after putting it through the paces for the last year.” If they are good enough for “The Kid” then they are good enough for me.

And to complete the cockpit OneUp figured they could make a sweet grip as well. It’s no secret that I ride a certain other bike companies grips, well those days are over as the OneUp grips build on that grips positives with more aggressive finger ramps under the grip, they have also removed the plastic molding from the top of the outer edge of the grip, providing a far more comfortable resting area for your palm.

And OneUp’s alloy pedals are nothing new but after running exclusively Shimano clips for the last 12 years I thought it might be time to have a crack at running flats again. The last time I ran flats was back on my Gen 1 Nomad, so it’s been a while thats for sure.