Elliot vs Queenstown

Elliot Smith, Skyline.

Back in 2018 after Crankworx had taken place in Rotorua, Kona Gravity Rider Caleb Holonko decided to stick around NZ for a few weeks. He made the decision to spend those two weeks in Queenstown and Elliot and I thought we’d pop down for a long weekend and hang out with Caleb and shoot some photos. All-around legend Jake Hood called Queenstown home at the time and had kindly offered up some floor space for the three of us. He’d also volunteered his services as a guide as it had been years since I’d ridden anywhere in Central Otago.

Over the three days that Elliot and I spent in Queenstown we rode, Skyline, Fernhill Loop, the Jacks Point Pump Track, and of course Dream Track (well I didn’t ride Dream Track). Tom Hey even gave us the all-clear for a run down the yet-to-be-named (or even opened) Mcnearly Gnarly intermediate jump trail above Dream Track. We bagged nug after nug over the weekend and even had a few guest appearances from Nick Dethridge and ex Wellington ripper Daniel Melink.
The only problem with shooting in Queenstown though is just how saturated and played out the place is. I found homes for just two of the photos in print but that was it. I’ve been sitting on this massive gallery for three years now, I figured it’s time these photos saw the light of day, well technically the light of your device.
Elliot Smith, Skyline.
Elliot Smith, Skyline.
Elliot Smith, Skyline.
Jake Hood, Skyline.
Nick Dethridge, Skyline.
Jake Hood, Jacks Point pump track.
Elliot Smith, Jacks Point pump track.
Caleb Holonko, Jacks Point pump track.
Elliot Smith, Jacks Point pump track.
Elliot Smith, Skyline.
Jake Hood, Skyline.
Elliot Smith, Skyline.
Elliot Smith, Skyline.

NIck Dethridge, Skyline.
Elliot Smith, Skyline.
Jake Hood, Skyline.
Jake Hood, Skyline.
NIck Dethridge, Skyline.
Elliot Smith, Skyline.
Elliot Smith, McNearly Gnarly.
Elliot Smith, McNearly Gnarly.
Elliot Smith, McNearly Gnarly.
Jake Hood, McNearly Gnarly.
Caleb Holonko, McNearly Gnarly.
Jake Hood, McNearly Gnarly.
Elliot Smith, McNearly Gnarly.
Elliot Smith, McNearly Gnarly.

Elliot Smith, Dream Track.
Jake Hood, Dream Track.
Caleb Holonko, Dream Track.
Nick Dethridge, Dream Track.
Caleb Holonko, Dream Track.


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